
h5 Canvas中Fill 与Stroke文字效果实现实例

本文为大家详细介绍下HTML5 Canvas Fill 与Stroke文字效果,基于Canvas如何实现纹理填充与描边、颜色填充与描边,具体代码如下,感兴趣的朋友可以参考下哈,希望对大家有所帮助 演示HTML5 Canvas Fill 与Stroke文字效果,基于Canvas如何实现纹理填充与描边。

// fill and stroke text   ctx.font = '60pt Calibri';   ctx.lineWidth = 3;   ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';   ctx.strokeText('Hello World!', 20, 100);   ctx.fillStyle = 'red';   ctx.fillText('Hello World!', 20, 100);

HTML5 Canvas还支持纹理填充,通过加载一张纹理图像,然后创建画笔模式,创建纹理模式的API为ctx.createPattern(imageTexture,"repeat");第二参数支持四个值,分别为”repeat-x”, ”repeat-y”, ”repeat”,”no-repeat”意思是纹理分别沿着X轴,Y轴,XY方向沿重复或者不重复。纹理描边与填充的代码如下:

var woodfill = ctx.createPattern(imageTexture,"repeat");   ctx.strokeStyle = woodfill;   ctx.strokeText('Hello World!', 20, 200);   // fill rectangle   ctx.fillStyle = woodfill;   ctx.fillRect(60, 240, 260, 440);

h5 Canvas中Fill 与Stroke文字效果实现实例
h5 Canvas中Fill 与Stroke文字效果实现实例


<!DOCTYPE html>   <html>   <head>   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="  chr  ome=IE8">   <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;char  set  =UTF-8">   <title>Canvas Fill And Stroke Text Demo</title>   <link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" />   <script>   var ctx =   null  ; // global variable 2d context   var imageTexture = null;   window.  onload   = function() {   var canvas =   document  .getElementById("text_canvas");   console.log(canvas.parentNode.clientWidth);   canvas.width = canvas.parentNode.clientWidth;   canvas.  height   = canvas.parentNode.clientHeight;   if (!canvas.getContext) {   console.log("Canvas not supported. Please inst  all   a HTML5 compatible browser.");   return  ;   }   // get 2D context of canvas and draw rectangel   ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");   ctx.fillStyle="black";   ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);   // fill and stroke text   ctx.font = '60pt Calibri';   ctx.li  neW  idth = 3;   ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';   ctx.strokeText('Hello World!', 20, 100);   ctx.fillStyle = 'red';   ctx.fillText('Hello World!', 20, 100);   // fill and stroke by pattern   imageTexture = document.createElement('img');   imageTexture.src = "../pattern.png";   imageTexture.onload = loaded();   }   function loaded() {   // delay to image loaded   set  Time  out(textureFill, 1000/30);   }   function textureFill() {   // var woodfill = ctx.createPattern(imageTexture, "repeat-x");   // var woodfill = ctx.createPattern(imageTexture, "repeat-y");   // var woodfill = ctx.createPattern(imageTexture, "no-repeat");   var woodfill = ctx.createPattern(imageTexture, "repeat");   ctx.strokeStyle = woodfill;   ctx.strokeText('Hello World!', 20, 200);   // fill rectangle   ctx.fillStyle = woodfill;   ctx.fillRect(60, 240, 260, 440);   }   </script>   </head>   <body>   <h1>HTML5 Canvas Text Demo - By Gloomy Fish</h1>   <pre>Fill And Stroke</pre>   <p id="my_painter">   <canvas id="text_canvas"></canvas>   </p>   </body>   </html>


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