

下面由laravel教程栏目给大家介绍怎么在 Laravel 中动态隐藏 API 字段,希望对需要的朋友有所帮助!


在 Laravel 中动态隐藏 API 字段

我最近在 Laravel Brasil 社区看到一个问题,结果比看起来更有趣。想象一下你有一个 UsersResource 用下面的实现:

<?php namespace AppHttpResources; use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResource; class UsersResource extends Resource {     /**      * Transform the resource into an array.      *      * @param  IlluminateHttpRequest      * @return array      */     public function toArray($request)     {         return [             'id' => $this->id,             'name' => $this->name,             'email' => $this->email         ];     } }

出于某种原因,您可能希望在另一个端点上重新使用该资源类,但隐藏email 字段。这篇文章就是告诉你如何实现这一点的。
如果你不知道 API Resources 是什么,请查看我之前关于这个的文章。

  • First Impression on API Resources
  • API Resources with Nested Relationship

1- 初始化项目


composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel api-fields cd api-fields touch database/database.sqlite

编辑.env文件,删除数据库设置并使用 SQLite



php artisan migrate php artisan make:resource UsersResource php artisan make:resource --collection UsersResourceCollection  php artisan make:controller UsersController php artisan tinker factory(AppUser::class)->times(20)->create(); quit

2- 路由

确保在 api.php 文件中创建一个路由。

Route::apiResource('/users', 'UsersController');

3- 控制器


<?php namespace AppHttpControllers; use AppHttpResourcesUsersResource; use AppUser; class UsersController extends Controller {     /**      * Display a listing of the resource.      *      * @param User $user      * @return IlluminateHttpResponse      */     public function index(User $user)     {         return UsersResource::collection($user->paginate())->hide(['id', 'email']);     }     /**      * Display a user.      *      * @param User $user      * @return IlluminateHttpResponse      */     public function show(User $user)     {         return UsersResource::make($user)->hide(['id']);     } }

为了达到这个目的,我们需要 UsersResourceCollectionUsersResource 同时知道如何处理 hide 调用。

4- UsersResource 类

让我们从 show 方法开始. UsersResource::make 将会返回 UsersResource 的对象. 因此,我们应该揭开 hide 的神秘面纱,它可以存储我们期望从响应中移除的键.

<?php namespace AppHttpResources; use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResource; class UsersResource extends Resource {     /**      * @var array      */     protected $withoutFields = [];          /**      * Transform the resource into an array.      *      * @param  IlluminateHttpRequest      * @return array      */     public function toArray($request)     {         return $this->filterFields([             'id' => $this->id,             'name' => $this->name,             'email' => $this->email         ]);     }     /**      * Set the keys that are supposed to be filtered out.      *      * @param array $fields      * @return $this      */     public function hide(array $fields)     {         $this->withoutFields = $fields;         return $this;     }     /**      * Remove the filtered keys.      *      * @param $array      * @return array      */     protected function filterFields($array)     {         return collect($array)->forget($this->withoutFields)->toArray();     } }

大功告成! 现在我们可以访问 http://api.dev/api/users/1 ,你会发现响应中已经没有id 字段了。

{  "data": {   "name": "Mr. Frederik Morar",   "email": "darryl.wilkinson@example.org"  } }

5- UsersResourceCollection 类

执行项目集合中的 index 方法, 我们需要作出如下修改:

  • (1) 确保 UsersResource::collection 返回 UsersResourceCollection 实例
  • (2) 在 UsersResourceCollection 上公开 hide 方法
  • (3) 将隐藏的字段传递给 UsersResource

关于 (1), 我们只需要重写 UsersResource 中的 collection 方法

<?php namespace AppHttpResources; use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResource; class UsersResource extends Resource {     public static function collection($resource)     {         return tap(new UsersResourceCollection($resource), function ($collection) {             $collection->collects = __CLASS__;         });     }          /**      * @var array      */     protected $withoutFields = [];     /**      * Transform the resource into an array.      * 将资源转换为一个数组      *       * @param  IlluminateHttpRequest      * @return array      */     public function toArray($request)     {         return $this->filterFields([             'id' => $this->id,             'name' => $this->name,             'email' => $this->email         ]);     }     /**      * Set the keys that are supposed to be filtered out.      *  设置需要隐藏过滤掉的键      *        * @param array $fields      * @return $this      */     public function hide(array $fields)     {         $this->withoutFields = $fields;         return $this;     }     /**      * Remove the filtered keys.      * 删除隐藏的键      *       * @param $array      * @return array      */     protected function filterFields($array)     {         return collect($array)->forget($this->withoutFields)->toArray();     } }

关于 (2) 和 (3) 我们需要修改 UsersResourceCollection 文件. 让我们公开 hide 方法并使用隐藏字段处理集合。.

<?php namespace AppHttpResources; use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResourceCollection; class UsersResourceCollection extends ResourceCollection {     /**      * @var array      */     protected $withoutFields = [];     /**      * Transform the resource collection into an array.      *      * @param  IlluminateHttpRequest      * @return array      */     public function toArray($request)     {         return $this->processCollection($request);     }     public function hide(array $fields)     {         $this->withoutFields = $fields;         return $this;     }     /**      * Send fields to hide to UsersResource while processing the collection.      *  将隐藏字段通过 UsersResource 处理集合      *       * @param $request      * @return array      */     protected function processCollection($request)     {         return $this->collection->map(function (UsersResource $resource) use ($request) {             return $resource->hide($this->withoutFields)->toArray($request);         })->all();     } }

就是这么简单! 现在我们访问 http://api.dev/api/users 看到返回结果中没有了 idemail 字段了如在 UsersController 中的指定方法 .

{  "data": [{   "name": "Mr. Frederik Morar"  }, {   "name": "Angel Daniel"  }, {   "name": "Brianne Mueller"  }],  "links": {   "first": "http://lab.php71/api-fields-2/public/api/users?page=1",   "last": "http://lab.php71/api-fields-2/public/api/users?page=7",   "prev": null,   "next": "http://lab.php71/api-fields-2/public/api/users?page=2"  },  "meta": {   "current_page": 1,   "from": 1,   "last_page": 7,   "path": "http://api-fields.lab.php71/api/users",   "per_page": 3,   "to": 3,   "total": 20  } }

6- 总结




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