Laravel unit test : 模拟认证的用户
在 Laravel 编写单元测试时经常会遇到需要模拟认证用户的时候,比如新建文章、创建订单等,那么在 Laravel unit test 中如何来实现呢?
Laravel 的官方文档中的测试章节中有提到:
Of course, one common use of the session is for maintaining state for the authenticated user. The actingAs helper method provides a simple way to authenticate a given user as the current user. For example, we may use a model factory to generate and authenticate a user:
<?php use AppUser; class ExampleTest extends TestCase { public function testApplication() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $response = $this->actingAs($user) ->withSession(['foo' => 'bar']) ->get('/'); } }
其实就是使用 Laravel Testing IlluminateFoundationTestingConcernsImpersonatesUsers
Trait 中的 actingAs
和 be
设置以后在后续的测试代码中,我们可以通过 auth()->user()
在官方的示例中有利用 factory 来创建一个真实的用户,但是