

HTML5支持跨文档消息通信(Cross-Document Messaging)。



  1. 编写一个消息处理函数;

  2. 将消息处理函数注册:addEventListener('message', function, false);


  1. postMessage('this is a message', 'http://www.php.cn');


  1. data:传递的数据;

  2. origin:origin,origin包括三要素:主机、协议、端口;

  3. source:来源对象;



<!DOCTYPE html>  <html lang="en">    <!--       crossDomain.html by Bill Weinman       <http://bw.org/contact/>      created 2011-04-16        Copyright (c) 2011 The BearHeart Group, LLC      This file may be used for personal educational purposes as needed.       Use for other purposes is granted provided that this notice is      retained and any changes made are clearly indicated as such.   -->    <head>      <title>          HTML5 Messaging Template File (One)      </title>      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../CSS/main.css">      <style>          #frameTwo {              float: left;              width: 500px;              height: 400px;              margin: 0 5px;              padding: 3px;              border-top: 2px solid #3c6b92;              border-left: 2px solid #3c6b92;              border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;              border-right: 2px solid #ccc;          }          #content { height: 500px; }      </style>      <script type="text/javascript">  		// 域名          var originTwo = 'http://two.3sn.net';  		// URL地址          var URLTwo = 'http://two.3sn.net/H5Msg/ExerciseFiles/Chap01/crossDomainTwo.html';          var windowTwo = null;            function handleMessage(event) {  			// 判断源区域              if (event.origin == originTwo) {                  if(!windowTwo) windowTwo = event.source;                  log('message from origin: ' + event.origin);                  log(event.data);  				// 发送消息                  windowTwo.postMessage('this is from windowOne!', originTwo);                  log('message sent back to windowTwo');              } else {                  dispError('message from untrusted origin: ' + event.origin);              }          }              function init() {  			// 添加消息处理函数  		    window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, false);              window.onerror = windowErrorHandler;              log('this is windowOne');              log('host: ' + location.host);  			  			// load two页面              element('frameTwo').src = URLTwo;   // load the frame          }            // ##### Utilities #####            // shortcut for getElementById          function element(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }            function clearDisp() {              element('pageResults').innerHTML = '';              element('message').innerHTML = '';              element('message').className = '';          }            function dispMessage(message) {              m = element('message');              m.className = 'message';              if(m.textContent.length > 0) {                  m.innerHTML += '<br />' + message;              } else m.innerHTML = message;          }            function windowErrorHandler(message, filename, lineno) {              dispError(message + ' (' + filename + ':' + lineno + ')' );              return true;          };            function dispError(errorMessage) {              element('pageResults').innerHTML +=                   errorMessage ? '<p class="error">' + errorMessage + '</p>n' : '';          }            function log(m) {              if(m.length < 1) return;              logElement = element('log');              if(logElement.textContent.length > 0) logElement.innerHTML += '<br />';              logElement.innerHTML += nowTimeString() + ' ' + m;          }            function nowTimeString() {              var d = new Date();              return numToString(d.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' + numToString(d.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' +                  numToString(d.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + '.' + numToString(d.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3);          }            function numToString( num, len ) {              var num = num + '';              while(num.length < len) num = '0' + num;              return num;          }            window.onload = init;        </script>  </head>    <body>    <p id="content">        <h1>           HTML5 Messaging Template File (One)      </h1>        <p id="message"></p>      <p id="pageResults"></p>        <iframe id="frameTwo">          <p>Your browser doesn't support the iFrame feature</p>      </iframe>        <p id="log" style="font-family: monospace"></p>    </p>  </body>  </html>
<!DOCTYPE html>  <html lang="en">    <!--       crossDomain.html by Bill Weinman       <http://bw.org/contact/>      created 2011-04-16        Copyright (c) 2011 The BearHeart Group, LLC      This file may be used for personal educational purposes as needed.       Use for other purposes is granted provided that this notice is      retained and any changes made are clearly indicated as such.   -->    <head>      <title>          HTML5 Messaging Template File (Two)      </title>      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../CSS/main.css">      <script type="text/javascript">          var originOne = 'http://one.3sn.net';            function handleMessage(event) {              if (event.origin == originOne) {                  log('message from origin: ' + event.origin);                  log(event.data);              } else {                  dispError('message from untrusted origin: ' + event.origin);              }          }            // ##### Init #####            function init() {              window.onerror = windowErrorHandler;    // addEventListener doesn't provide the right error object in Firefox              window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, false);              log('this is windowTwo');              log('host: ' + location.host);              var windowOne = parent;              windowOne.postMessage('this is from windowTwo!', originOne);              log('message sent to windowOne');          }            // ##### Utilities #####            // shortcut for getElementById          function element(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }            function clearDisp() {              element('pageResults').innerHTML = '';              element('message').innerHTML = '';              element('message').className = '';          }            function dispMessage(message) {              m = element('message');              m.className = 'message';              if(m.textContent.length > 0) {                  m.innerHTML += '<br />' + message;              } else m.innerHTML = message;          }            function windowErrorHandler(message, filename, lineno) {              dispError(message + ' (' + filename + ':' + lineno + ')' );              return true;          };            function dispError(errorMessage) {              element('pageResults').innerHTML +=                   errorMessage ? '<p class="error">' + errorMessage + '</p>n' : '';          }            function log(m) {              if(m.length < 1) return;              logElement = element('log');              if(logElement.textContent.length > 0) logElement.innerHTML += '<br />';              logElement.innerHTML += nowTimeString() + ' ' + m;          }            function nowTimeString() {              var d = new Date();              return numToString(d.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' + numToString(d.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' +                  numToString(d.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + '.' + numToString(d.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3);          }            function numToString( num, len ) {              var num = num + '';              while(num.length < len) num = '0' + num;              return num;          }            window.onload = init;        </script>  </head>    <body>    <p id="content">        <h1>           HTML5 Messaging Template File (Two)      </h1>        <p id="message"></p>      <p id="pageResults"></p>      <p id="log" style="font-family: monospace"></p>    </p>  </body>  </html>


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